The Door: A Door Series Novel
By Ron Mueller
His final interview took Jorge to England. He had saved the husband and wife team to last. Jorge was batting zero for five going into this final interview.
Jorge was sat in the kitchen of the Hughes’s home. Tom had insisted that he come to dinner to do the interview. After only a few minutes of listening to Tom and Linda, Jorge knew he had the first two members of his Door team.
It was at the moment he was contemplating dropping out of the University when he met Linda. He was sitting at the end of the bar moping about and feeling sorry for himself when she offered to buy him a drink! Buy him a drink! What followed was a romance that was to last a life time.
More importantly together they made a complete scientific team. Together they would change the course of human history and the lives of those involved in the Door program.
This is the story of how the universe was opened for exploration.
It is a story of how human ingenuity overcomes its greed and downright stupidity.
Lydia sat quietly at the table. She knew something was wrong. She had fainted unexpectedly as she walked across the campus to class.
“I will get right to the point. You are in the advanced stages of breast cancer. It has metabolized and is spreading throughout your body. I am surprised you did not get some sort of early warning,” Dr. Meyerhof rapidly delivered her message.
Darian was home from Penn State when diagnosed with the late stages of melanoma.
Joe took a physical for a job interview and learned he was in the late stages of acute myelogenous leukemia. This was a death sentence.
All three become human volunteers for the Door program.
Miracles do happen.
Political enemies can work together.
Zealots can be over come.
All these and more come with the DOOR.